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Writer's pictureWillow Lake Area Advancement

NEW: "Willow Lake Area Community Foundation"

A group of southern Clark County citizens has launched the “Willow Lake Area Community Foundation,” with the goal of establishing a financial endowment that will serve Willow Lake, Carpenter, and Vienna for generations to come.


“This fund is going to do great things for our communities,” said Matt Vandersnick, chairman of the WLACF board. “Once it’s up and established, we’ll have our own local source of grant money to use for important projects right here.”


Along with Vandersnick, others serving on the Willow Lake Area Community Foundation board at this time are Jack Schmidt, Carolyn Nichols, Kim Bratland, and Bob Syring.


This fund is set up through the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) in Pierre, which manages more than 80 similar “community savings accounts” for towns of all sizes across the state. The SDCF was established by Governor Mickelson in 1987.


Dollars raised for the Willow Lake Area Community Foundation will go into a permanent endowment, where they are invested and encouraged to grow under the guidance of the SDCF. As the Willow Lake-area fund grows and earns interest, the community will receive a distribution every year to be spent locally on worthy non-profit causes. Because the principal is left in-tact, the fund will remain forever.


“This community foundation will be able to support all kinds of projects in Willow Lake, Vienna, and Carpenter. We will have one hundred percent local control on deciding where to spend the dividends every year. If summer rec programs, the museum, 4-H, the school, parks, or anything else need financial support, the Willow Lake Area Community Foundation will be here to help,” Vandersnick added.  


The WLACF board members have been meeting with businesses and individuals, and a handful of gifts have come in so far. Additional pledges are being firmed up at this time.


If the Willow Lake Area Community Foundation meets its fundraising goal of $200,000 by July 2025, the SDCF will kick in $50,000 as part of a challenge grant. In addition, an anonymous donor has offered up another $50,000 if the overall fundraising goal is met.


“We’re really grateful for these challenge grants. That additional $100,000 will boost our local money and allow us to grow the fund faster,” Vandersnick added. “We’d like to thank everyone for their consideration as we move forward to meet our goal.”



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