Willow Lake High School will once again be hosting its annual all-school reunion, set for Saturday, May 29. This year marks the 109th consecutive annual alumni event, which is believed to be the longest-running alumni tradition in the nation!
Although COVID-19 presented challenges last year to hosting the event in the traditional sense, a 2020 alumni gathering was held in the Willow Lake city park on the Friday of homecoming. This year, the WLHS Alumni officers are planning a "back to normal" Alumni banquet in the school gym. Masks are welcomed but optional, hand sanitizer will be available, and organizers will do their best to arrange for social-distancing within the space parameters. If you are comfortable attending an indoor event at this time, we look forward to seeing you!
Registration is available online at www.willowlakesouthdakota.com/alumni. The banquet will begin at 6:30pm, followed by a dance featuring Greg Hanson & the Backroads. Weather-permitting, the dance will be held outdoors on Willow Lake's main street in front of The Rusty Nail bar/restaurant. The dance is open to the public!